Refer a client to Headstart

Ready to refer a client for ABA services? Get started.
Headstart is fully compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
No Waitlist
No Waitlist.

Our care providers are always ready to help — accepting new clients for in-home ABA therapy today!

Choose Your C… Provider
Choose Your Care Provider.

Families can browse Headstart's network of dedicated care providers and choose the BCBA that best suits their needs. Whether it's a certain specialty, location, or set of experiences, every family is solving for something different — and now they get to decide!

Clinician Led Practies
Clinician-Led Practices.

Every Headstart provider owns their own practice, ensuring clinical quality is always at the forefront. No standardized treatment plans — every child is one-of-one, and their therapy should be no different.

Headstart ensures HIPAA compliance, safeguarding your client's privacy every step of the way when you use our secure portal to refer a client.

We accept Most insurance, including commercial and medicaid

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